
Kedamaian diri diperoleh dgn mempertahankan

pemikiran penuh CINTA tentang diri sendiri

dan orang lain.

Jika kita mempunyai pemikiran yang positif,

penuh damai tersebut, kenyataan fisik kita pun akan berubah dan

akan menjadi penuh damai serta utuh.

Taken from: Book "The Healing Sound of Music"


What is Giving All About

( Rewrote from the Book "Hope is on The Way" -Annisa Rania Putri-)

Giving is really how to give.Giving is really how to help things.When you give it's mostly inside your heart. There are different kinds of giving. It can be giving love, giving food, giving things, giving space, giving care, giving fruit, giving share, and also giving advice.
All these things are giving : What you give from one person and share it to another. Well, giving is actually not only how you give people things; most importantly giving is not because we share things but we give because of love.

Mostly giving is like when you give during holidays. You give love to each other, you do things together, and you help each other. Giving is also like you give food and eat together. When giving love you will get the person out of the bad situation and let the person who really need love, enjoys the love that we give.

Giving is like this: if a person wants to do something, you rather give him or her a chance. Give chances. A chance is really easy to make. About chance, true chance are driven by love. Giving chance is one form of giving. People always like to make himself or herself impressive. But some of those people never give a chance to others. That is why giving them a chance will make things much easier.

The true giving is really giving with love, because it is really and honestly coming from your heart.

Mengendalikan Emosi

Cara Mudah Mengendalikan Emosi

"Seorang peneliti dari Universitas California membuktikan dengan 'MEMANIPULASI' otot-otot wajah secara SADAR, kita dapat memunculkan emosi APAPUN yang kita inginkan - MARAH, Senang, Gembira, Takut."

hmm , inilah yang aku kutip dari Buku "Cara Baru Mengasah Otak dengan Asyik"
aneh? Dicoba sajalah.. Coba sekarang 'Senyyuuummm... ^_^ ' Gmn?? Lebih Enakan perasaanny?

Pernah Baca juga Stiker (tempelan motor) yang tulisanny begini.. "Biasakan Senyum minimal 3x sehari". Baca tulisan ini (pas naek motor sih) aku senyum-senyum, ketawa-ketawa sendiri. abisny lucu (dikira makan apa?! rutin 3x sehari.. he~) Bukan maksud hati mengejek. Itu Saran yang Bagus aku bilang, Coba senyum g di Jadwal kan lebih baek lagi. Baek juga untuk kesehatan mood kita. y nggk?! (Enggk Iyalah.. py maksud e?!) smile dulu ^_^

kutip lagi
"Anda dapat mengubah suasana hati dengan mengubah ekspresi wajah Anda"
masih mengutip dari buku yang sama, Mr. Paul Ekman dengan rekan-rekanny dari Universitas Wisconsin di Madison,dll telah melakukan berbagai percobaan yang membuktikan kalau 'MEMANIPULASI' otot-otot wajah menunjukkan hubungan dengan psikologis(emosi,perasaan), dll.

So, Kalo senyumny tuluuuss... tanpa harus 'MEMANIPULASI' otot-otot wajah... Lebih Enak kaan?? Smile ^_^

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Tempo Musik

Mengenal Macam-Macam Tempo Musik

Kali ini aku ingin berbagi seputar musik, seputar permainan alat musik, partiture. Oh, iya sudah lama nian diriku ingin tahu, sebenarnya apa itu arti Andante, Allegro, Adagio (macam tempo) dalam partiture. hmm.., dan aku search Google, I Found it. :-)

Akan aku tampilin y macam tempo / BPM (Beat Per Minute) --> Usually found in Partiture
Sebagai informasi dasar y teman-teman, Klo ada tulisan tempo = 60 /60 BPM, itu berarti ketukanny persis perpindahan detik jam dalam 1 menit. (tik..tik..tik..tik) gitu.
Coba bagaimana Klo BMP kurang dari 60, dan Lebih dari 60 ???
  • Adagietto — rather slow (70–80 bpm)
  • Adagio — slow and stately (literally, "at ease") (66–76 bpm)
  • Agitato – hurried, restless
  • Allegretto grazioso — moderately fast and gracefully
  • Allegretto — moderately fast (but less so than allegro)
  • Allegrissimo — very fast
  • Allegro — fast and bright or "march tempo" (120–168 bpm)
  • Allegro appassionato – fast and passionately
  • Allegro moderato — moderately quick (112–124 bpm)
  • Andante — at a walking pace (76–108 bpm)
  • Andante Moderato — a bit faster than andante
  • Andantino – slightly faster than andante
  • Grave — slow and solemn
  • Largamente — very, very, very slow 10bpm
  • Larghetto — rather broadly (60–66 bpm)
  • Larghissimo — very, very slow (20 bpm and below)
  • Largo — very slow (40–60 bpm), like lento
  • Lento — very slow (40–60 bpm)
  • Lento assai – even more slowly than lento
  • Lento Moderato — moderately slow
  • Moderato espressivo — moderately with expression
  • Moderato — moderately (108–120 bpm)
  • Prestissimo — extremely fast (more than 200bpm)
  • Presto — very fast (168–200 bpm)
  • Sostenuto – sustained, prolonged
  • Tranquillamente — adverb of tranquillo, "tranquilly"
  • Tranquillo — tranquil
  • Vivace — lively and fast (≈140 bpm)(quicker than allegro.)
  • Vivacissimamente — adverb of vivacissimo, "very quickly and lively"
  • Vivacissimo — very fast and lively
  • Vivo — lively and alive
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